Sail the Gulf 2011 poprvé za české účasti

Dana Dvořáková | 13.02.2011

Letos, historicky vůbec poprvé, proběhne prestižní blízkovýchodní mistrovský závod "Sail the Gulf" za účasti českého závodníka

Optimist Coaching Clinic & 19th Qatar International Regatta (Sail the Gulf) 2011

Dnes s Veronikou Živnou odlétáme do qatarského hlavního města Doha, abychom se zde zúčastnili nejprve tréninku a zároveň trenérského výcviku v rámci Optimist Coaching Clinic pod vedením polského trenéra Marka Nostitz-Jackowkého a poté otevřeného mistrovství Qataru ve třídě Optimist. Z obou akcí budou denní reportáže na serveru Já využiji příležitosti zúčastnit se také Race Management Clinic, kterou povede David Sprague z Kanady. Níže připojuji tiskovou zprávu zveřejněnou na internetových stránkách Qatar Saling & Rowing Federation.

Boris Živný

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011-02-08 05:23:15


The 19th Qatar International Regatta (Sail the Gulf) 2011 will be held from 15 to 19 February 2011 at Doha Sailing Club. This year, we have a greater response from the region and all around the world which includes Bahrain, Canada, Czech, Great Britain, India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Netherland, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Russia, Sweden and UAE. This is pertinent to note that Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Norway and Sweden are participating in Sail the Gulf for the first time.

A total of 132 boats will be participating in this event as per following classes:

Optimist - 41

Laser 4.7 - 25

Laser Radial - 34

Laser Standard - 12

420 - 05

Hobie-16 - 04

29er - 11

We are very happy to mention that 20 sailors are participating from Qatar in all the classes.

The races will be run by the International Race Officer Mr. David Sprague from Canada and Mr. Lawrence Yeoweng from Malaysia on two different courses. The International Judges will also be monitoring the fairness of the game under the current rules of International Sailing Federation. The names of the judges are as follows:

RUT SUBNIRAN Chairman IJ Thailand

SHAO XIANLI Jury Member China

ILKER BAYINDIR Jury Member Turkey

HONG KIT LOCK Jury Member Singapore

ESSA AL BUSMAIT Jury Member Bahrain

JANG YEON MOON Jury Member Korea

This year Sail the Gulf will be conducted from two Venues i.e Doha Sailing Club and Katara Sailing Club at Cultural Village.

The significant item which is happening this year are three clinics which are Optimist Coaching Clinic will be held from 10-14th February by Mr. Marek Nostitz-Jackowski from Poland. In this clinic not only optimist sailors but coaches will also be participating for learning the various techniques. Another 3 days Race management clinic will be run by an International Race Officer, Mr. David Sprague from Canada for all the volunteers. The 3rd is 29er Training Clinic which will be conducted by Mr. Clynton Wade of Ireland from 12 to 14th February. The 29er class if the latest entry into Sail the Gulf and is steeped into for joining Olympic standard. We are making all out effort to 3 our sailors and our regional countries to the latest development in the sports of sailing.

All the Government agencies including Ministry of Interior, Armed Forces, Coast Guards and Municipality are providing their support for the success of this event

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